The Art Of Coffee Table Book is now available for order. The books are hardcover, 64 pages. They come with a hand signed print, a sticker and an original piece of art. The book capsulates 6 years worth of art, including never before seen pieces. I've put so much effort into this and it looks so great in person! I'm beyond proud of this accomplishment. if you've ever wanted to support me, this would be how!
The books are $50.00, but will be $45.00 to Patreon members. Shipping is $20.00, but I will be able to drop off free of charge locally. They will not be available to the general public until March when I head to PEI. Then if there are copies left, they'll be available in the webstore. There are only 50 copies available.
I'll have an announcement coming soon with an in person book launch for anyone who's interested in coming to celebrate!
If you'd like a copy, just send me a message on Patreon.